Repeat Forgiver

Michelle L Nipp – Sweet Like Honey Blog

In Mark 15:19 we read the account of Yeshua's beating at the hands of his Roman oppressors. In heartbreaking detail, Mark relays the abuses suffered by the Savior in his last hours.

They struck him with a reed (staff). They spat on him. They knelt down in mocking homage to him.

Depending on the translation, you may or may not get the impression that these acts were done repeatedly. But, in the Greek, the meaning is crystal clear. They beat him over and over. They spit on him over and over. And they mocked him over and over. It wasn’t simply one strike and then done. Yeshua endured their repeated physical and verbal lashings. 

In Luke 23:24 we find Yeshua’s response. He simply says, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

This is a powerful statement, considering all he was suffering. Yet this translation lacks a crucial detail - that Yeshua repeatedly said, "Forgive them..." 

The verb used in this statement "Yeshua said..." is an explicitly continuous verb in the Greek. What this means in plain English is that Yeshua said it over and over again, "Father, forgive them..."

With every lash, "Forgive them..."

With every strike, "Forgive them..."

With every drop of spit and falsely bended knee, "Forgive them..." 

The scene calls to mind an earlier dialogue with Matthew 18:21, 22. "How many times should I forgive my brother? Seven times?" "No," Yeshua replied, "Seventy times seven!"

In short, there isn't a limit. As many times as they offend, you forgive.

In his last moments, Yeshua's actions and words perfectly demonstrate what He expects of His followers. Even in these most horrific and painful moments, He exhibits true forgiveness.

In the hands of repeat offenders, He is the repeat forgiver.

As believers, let us remember that we not only receive forgiveness but are called to extend it. The grace He has lavished on us - over and over - we are called to pour out to each other - over and over.

In a world full of repeat offenders, may we, like Him, be repeat forgivers.

Michelle L. Nipp is excited to connect with you!

Michelle Lynn Nipp

I believe God wrote a wondrous story – His story – to capture the hearts and minds of all His creation. My passion is sharing this story! Through word studies, bible teaching and other resources, I want to see you experience the absolute awesomeness and wonder of history’s greatest story, the Bible.

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